27.10.2024 04:03
Departure from outward office of exchange
Home Counties North MC
20.10.2024 17:10
Item Delivered
14.10.2024 06:16
Arrived at Regional Facility
07.10.2024 19:22
The item is being processed by customs
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou
01.10.2024 08:29
Handed over to the Carrirer
24.09.2024 21:35
Processed Through Facility
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
18.09.2024 10:41
Delivered by
Xiaoshan District
11.09.2024 23:48
Yanwen facility - Outbound
CA, SAN JOSE, 95136
05.09.2024 12:54
Has received, postman:, phone:15697846563
30.08.2024 02:00
Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
23.08.2024 15:07
Booked for flight
Heathrow Worldwide DC, United Kingdom
17.08.2024 04:13
Electronic notification of receipt of the shipment sent to the addressee
Shanghai city business delivery department airlines center Goodman package , Shanghai city
10.08.2024 17:19
Inbound in sorting center
Guangzhou airlines center, Guangzhou
04.08.2024 06:26
Item received
28.07.2024 19:32
Processing information input
CARSON, CA, 90747
22.07.2024 08:38
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item
Tracking numbers examples: